COVID-19 Response from Tustin Podiatry Clinic in Tustin, CA
In order to keep patients out of ERs and hospitals, we are OPEN and ready to treat urgent patients now and to continue to provide medical care to those in need.

We are making sure we are compliant with state and county COVID guidelines and taking all the necessary pre-cautionary steps to ensure the safest patient visit possible.
We do ask that you comply with our guidelines for the safety of you and others:
- If you or anyone who you have had close contact with have any fever, cough or flu-like symptoms in the last 14 days (e.g. sore throat, recent difficulty breathing), please cancel your appointment.
- Wear a mask or face covering into our office to protect yourself and others. This is mandated by California law and will be enforced. We have the right to refuse treatment for the safety of our community.
- Waiting Lobby Limit: TWO people
- After check in, our goal is to escort you straight to a treatment room without wait.
- Unless you are checking in, please wait in your cars instead of our waiting areas. We can call you when we are ready for you.
- Parking lot check-in is available. We can call you when your room is available.
- Only patient allowed in room (except for minors/ caretakers)
- We will be conducting temperature checks in office and screening questionnaires.
So if you wish to come in for a visit, please contact us, we would love to help you get your life style back without pain.
If, for any reason, you don’t feel comfortable coming in, we are still offering telemedicine which you can set up with my office staff.

Additional Services You May Need
▸ Heel Pain Treatment
▸ Laser Fungal Nail Treatment
▸ Ingrown Toenail Treatment
▸ Ankle Sprain Treatment
▸ Foot and Ankle Medicine & Surgery
▸ Orthotics Custom
▸ EPAT/Shockwave Therapy
▸ Hammertoe
▸ Arthritis Treatment
▸ Diabetic Foot Care
▸ Flat Feet Treatment
▸ Foot Warts Treatment
▸ ClarixFlo