3 Questions to Ask Your Podiatrist About Ankle Sprains
Ankle sprains are an extremely common injury suffered by millions of Americans every year. People who sprain their ankle once are at a much higher risk of re-injury. Dr. Charles Baik, DPM at Tustin Podiatry Clinic offers a CAM walker, ankle brace & physical therapy to treat ankle sprains. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online! We are conveniently located at 17400 Irvine Blvd. Suite H, Tustin, CA.
Table of Contents:
Is it safe for me to walk with a sprained ankle?
What treatments are available for a sprained ankle?
Will I need physical therapy for my sprain?
Ankle sprains are an extremely common injury suffered by millions of Americans every year. People who sprain their ankle once are at a much higher risk of re-injury. At Tustin Podiatry Clinic, our experienced doctors offer comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for ankle sprains. Whether you have a sprain that is mild or severe, we can help you support your joint health as your ankle heals as well as help you understand how to prevent future sprains.
Your ability to put weight on your ankle after a sprain will depend on a variety of factors including the severity of your sprain and how much pain you experience as a result. In general, it is always best to keep weight off your injured foot until you can speak with a doctor. Mild sprains that are only a little stiff or swollen may not require intervention, while severe sprains could make your ankle feel unstable and walking difficult because of the pain. If you notice discomfort in your ankle when you place weight on it, you should contact your podiatrist to schedule an appointment to have your sprain evaluated.
At Tustin Podiatry Clinic, we offer a wide range of treatment options, so you can find the one that is best for you. Controlled ankle movement (CAM) walker boots can help patients with ankle sprains maintain mobility as their injured joint heals. The CAM walker allows minimal or no movement of your ankle hinge, so you can remain ambulatory while keeping your ankle protected. Our laser therapy solutions can deeply penetrate injured tissue to stimulate the body’s natural healing response and reduce the amount of time required for recovery. Lasers can penetrate more deeply than other laser systems, and offer a broader treatment surface at one time. Laser therapy has been FDA-approved for safe and effective use for more than a decade. There are also a variety of different ankle bracing systems available for patients with sprained ankles that can help provide compression and immobilization over a broad spectrum, so you can find the brace that works best for your needs.
While not every sprain will require rehabilitation, patients who struggle with repeated injury may benefit from physical therapy exercises to improve strength in the joint and reduce their chances of spraining their ankle in the future. A physical therapy program for an ankle sprain will include exercises that will improve range of motion, flexibility, and strength. Your physical therapist may also include balance and control exercises that will focus on the small muscles of your foot and ankle and help them become stronger. For patients who often participate in team sports or vigorous exercise, stretching before and after physical activity should be an essential part of your daily routine to reduce your chances of an ankle sprain.
At Tustin Podiatry Clinic, we proudly offer comprehensive treatment services for patients who have sprained their ankles. We can effectively assess the severity of your sprain and then develop a comprehensive plan that will help your joint heal fully, so you can return to your daily activities without pain or instability. We serve patients from Tustin CA, Irvine CA, Garden Grove CA, Orange CA, Anaheim CA, Costa Mesa CA, and Lake Forest CA.
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